Sunday, November 16, 2008


I haven't given up on the blog thing. It's just that lately time hasn't been on my side much and i don't have the time to just sit and type, type, type. I didn't see this coming when I said "2 posts a month" and so to the 3 or 4 people who have seen this and the 1 person who reads it, my bad. I've been dropping the ball...a LOT. So yeah...expect more stuff when I can.'m gonna go do stuff and find stuff to rant about. Later

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Needed Some Laughter

With life going the way it has, I decided to watch a few movies. And I watch this one movie I really recommend. Its called "CB4" and I think its hilarious as well as quite the educational movie to delve into the insight of rappers and their "gangsta" images...So this post is gonna be 2 scenes from the movie that I myself liked the most. The first one was funny simply because of how ignorant it is. And the second one? You'd have to see why its funny to get why.

One more for you guys. This dude was just lame...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


for you unlucky guys and gals out there who don't have European friends and don't watch BBC, I'll let you in on something I bet you never even suspected.

On Wednesday, September 10, 2008, the world was supposed to end. It was speculated that a science project of epic proportions was going to kill us all due to a "mistake" where once the LHC (Large Hadron Collider aka "Big Bang Machine" aka "The worlds largest atom smasher") was activated, the energy would be out of control and the result would be a series of black holes which would be come a collective black hole and swallow the Earth. Now as impossible as the theory sounds, once explained in detail, it because a much more believable threat...But as you can see I am alive to write the note, and you are alive to read it. This was quite a scare for those who were aware of it, but for those who didn't well... I suppose this was another day, yeah?

Now I point this out to say something else...So many things in the world are out to kill us according to the various world governments. Today's threat: a strain of the flu that could possibly be deadly. Now...I find it very weird that so many things are out to destroy us but...we don't know about it. To everyone who knew we could've been space matter by today gets a cookie but for everyone who didn't ask yourself, "Why?" And the answer isn't as easy as, "Oh, well this took place halfway across the world in Switzerland." I've noticed a pattern...Every threat that doesn't pose a treat we hear about and we panic. Like the killer bees, the constant terrorist threats, etc. America capitalizes off fear and in this day and age, it all becomes economic gain...But things that COULD kill you can see, we won't know since we wouldn't want the public to panic TOO much now...

To be 100% honest, I didn't mean much by this not except to be aware and ask questions. You deserve answers so seek them. Until next time...Later.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

McCain's Checkmate?

Okay. I know I'm late but whatever. Anyway, i find these presidential arguments, ads, and all this other stuff and I wonder...Does it really mater what happens? I think the reputation of this "once great country" to be forever damaged. But lets assume it did matter, ok? Is it me or does McCain look more and more like the winner? Ever since Sarah Palin hit the presidential scene, its been all about Palin. The spotlight that seemed to glow over Obama has been successfully shifted and I think McCain planned for this. I see this all as a game of chess where Obama has had McCain in a vice for quite a while but, as all chess players know, one wrong move can be fatal. And his wrong move, in my opinion, was not to choose Hilary as his running mate. Now, he has a lot to tryto make up. I don't even think Hillary's unwavering support for Obama is working. Ever since McCain picked Palin as a running mate, its all be about her, her criticisms, her plans for change and history has shown that things surrounded by controversy bound to succeed. For example the show "Moment of Truth". Most controversial show on TV. But i bet you watch it. Another example. Nas's CD "Nigger". See the problem with it? Its release was number 1 for 2 weeks. You understand my point though. Controversy breeds success. And right now, I can already see McCain on our screens giving a presidential address.

Now...think of this next part as a disclaimer. I don't care about politics. As a matter of fact, I hate politics. I just like to see an African American rise up to face adveristy especially giving where he was from. (Chi-Town! woot woot!) Also, I don't support John McCain. I just think hes being quite the mastermind. I still see him as that guy who looks like a squirrel with acorns in his mouth. Another thing...whether it be McCain or Obama....can we agree that ANYONE is better than Bush? My guess...yes. And finally...if people would just give anarchy a try...maybe JUST MAYBE...this wouldn't be an issue.

Now, feel free to comment on this if you wanna. Just don't be ignorant please. It would be nice.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Post (yay!)

Okay...As the name suggests, this is my first post to my new blog. So I'll tell you what you're gonna be in for, should you decide to read my stuff.
1. Independent thought. I will say thing you won't like. But watch me give a shit. If you don't like what I say, don't give me this shit like. "Oh you're an evil anarchist!" or shit like that.
2. Rants For The Masses. If anyone from Facebook read these and read this because of it, expect some blog exclusive RFTM's because somethings don't belong on there.
3.Blah. That simply means, I'm gonna bitch. I'm gonna moan, and then I'm gonna write about it. but I promise it won't be often. Usually, I'll be just writing what I think because I'm too lazy to use pen and paper.
4. Creative writing. I write stories, poems, and "raps" but raps are ignorant. My words provoke thought.
So have the basic idea of what you're gonna get from me. Please. Stick around. I'll update it twice a week at least so....just keep your eyes open...Now I'm tired....I'm off to bed so I say later folks.